Hi, I'm Saleema Ishq, 


Saleema Ishq doesn't just write what she knows; she writes what she fears.

Her gripping stories are born from the unsettling 'what ifs' that plague her mind — existential questions like "What if I'm a danger to everyone around me?" or "What if I wake up as someone else?"

Reading thrillers has played a critical role in Saleema's OCD exposure therapy, and exploring these scenarios on the page through her own writing has proven equally therapeutic. Moreover, they inspire incredibly twisted and chilling tales, including her best-selling short stories, Haunting Figures, a standalone piece, and The Evil Within, featured in the award-winning “ThrillHERS” anthology. This also serves as the foundation of her highly anticipated debut novel, titled “Sisters Arcana.”

With a background as a former content and copywriter turned fiction author, Saleema continues to inspire readers with her own blend of imaginative storytelling, suspense, and psychological tension.

When she's not crafting stories —always with a cat curled up in her lap or walking across her keyboard — you can find Saleema coaching fitness classes, trail running in the Sandia Mountains, journaling, pulling tarot cards, or adding to her crystal collection.